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欄目: 英語演講稿 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.78W



you practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didn't time you ask yourself, what happened and i might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude?

positive attitude helps us cope with the daily affairs of life more easily. it brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. if we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. with a positive attitude we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. it is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

so next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much, will study just as will be different is that you will also put on a smile.a positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed!



you practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didn't succeed. each time you ask yourself, what happened and why. what i might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude?

positive attitude helps us cope with the daily affairs of life more easily. it brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. if we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. with a positive attitude we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. it is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

so next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much, will study just as hard. what will be different is that you will also put on a smile. a positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed!

第三篇:英語演講稿 態度篇(attitude matters)

attitude matters

good evening,ladies and gentlemen. it’s a great pleasure and honor to share my thoughts with all of you. today my topic is “it’s the attitude that matters.”

attitude matters, two thumbs up for it. there are so many excellent contestants in today’s speech contest. the chances of my standing out are very slim. if i attach great importance to the outcome, then i would just go away and wouldn’t like to make a fool of myself in front of crowds. but now, i stand on the stage and speak to all of you simply for the idea that attitude matters.

do you still remember the college basketball finals last saturday night? our department and the department of public finance were competing for the championship. the exciting game was really a feast to our eyes. as is known to us, the basketball is the strengths of the public finance and both the boys and girls teams got the first place last year. although we all know it, we never gave up and just did our best to play in the game. if the outcome matters, it’s useless to work so hard. then why do we still hold on to it?

as to the topic attitude, i want to introduce a great man to all of you, his name is nick vujicis. nick was born without limbs, which really made his parents disgusting at first. but fortunately, his parents didn’t abandon him. on the contrary they expected him to live as normal as common people. nick lived up to his parents’ expectation. he spared no efforts to change his life. apart from mastering brushing teeth, swimming, playing golf and some other basic skills, he also got the accounting and financial planning double bachelor’s degrees. from no limbs to no limits, he creates a lifepositive attitude is just like the lighthouse, which shows us the road to success, while negative attitude is like the drug, which takes you the road to perdition. whether rich or poor, whether you are somebody or nobody, please keep an active attitude towards life. remember, it’s the attitude that counts.

ok, it’s time to say goodbye. thank you for listening, my dear friends.

attitude matters. it takes effect not only in our daily life but also in the business world. canon, the world's leading optical company, sendsthe sentence to those who are interested in working for it. attitude decides everything, said deputy-director of the human resource department of canon in china. “

第四篇:態度決定一切 英語演講稿

listening and speaking course

your attitude determines how high you fly ladies and gentlemen: we've all heard the saying "your attitude determines your altitude". it means that it is our attitude, or the orientation of our minds, that determines just how high we can fly!

an attitude is any strong belief or feeling towards people or a situation. we can't always choose the situation but we can choose our attitude and how we respond to each situation. great leaders will choose the positive attitude. they are usually overheard saying:"that sounds great..." "let's do it..." "we can..." and so on. they look at what is right about a situation rather than finding what is wrong or who is at fault. they look for a solution rather than complain about the problem. they are as enthusiastic about new challenges as they are about the routine. we all know that helen's positive attitude changes the disaster into a pair of wings which de(請繼續關注:)termines how high she flies.

ladies and gentlemen, it's never too late to be the person you want to be. life is like a tv with many channels. all you have to do is hold the remote control firmly in your own hand and you'll get the best shows. don't let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life can come pretty cheap. choose to be positive, and you will be successful.

thank you for your listening.


在我們漫長的人生旅途中,態度永遠決定一切,所以無論自已處於多麼嚴酷的境界之中,心頭都不應為悲觀的思想所縈繞!為了追尋自己的理想,我們要飛翔,去接受風雨的洗禮;為了實現人生的夙願,我們要飛翔,去迎接春風和朝陽.雖然我們並不堅強的翅膀也許會受傷,但我們一定要飛向遠方。積極樂觀的態度將是我們成功的祕訣。 對已經失去了的,就讓它失去吧!與其惋惜,不如積極奮進,讓自己在別的方面得到有意義的補償。 人生的旅途不可能只有鮮花和歡笑,征途中肯定會荊棘,有陡崖,有陷阱,有挫折,面對困難,挫折,面對失敗,逆境,不同的人會採取不同的態度,也就擁有不一樣的人生,總而言之態度決定一切 面對生活中的”攔路虎”,弱者只會採取消極的態度,只會痛哭流涕,止步不前,埋怨他人之不是,慨歎生命之不公,因而也永遠成為生活中的失敗者. 三國時期的周瑜自恃才高,眼中沒有對手,卻步步讓諸葛亮佔有先機。而周瑜年長於諸葛亮,所以在臨終前,發出這樣的感歎“既生瑜、何生亮”。 在我們身邊,也有同樣的事例,例如一些同學由於一次重大的考試失敗了,就採取了消極的態度,產生了自卑的心理,而不能自拔.這都是因為他們採取的消極態度決定的。 然而對於強者,則會採取積極樂觀的態度,坦然面對一切,珍惜生命中每一個可能成功的機會,把挫折當作通向成功的階梯,與逆境抗爭,在挫折中奮起,拿破崙曾説過:”不想做元帥的士兵不是好士兵!”正是這種的信念支撐下的積極的人生態度,伴隨他走過了一段從士兵到元帥的坎坷之路,才改變了他的人生現狀,灰飛煙滅永留史冊的軍事家,革命家.反觀xx年奧運,經過了17天的激烈爭奪,第29屆奧運會曲終人散,在這17天裏見證了一個又一個冠軍的誕生,見證了一個又一個奇蹟的出現,也出現了一些人和事讓我們感動,他們可能不是冠軍,他們也許沒有金牌,但是他們的故事也將和神奇的菲樂普斯與博爾特一樣,寫進奧運會的歷史中,其中出現了一位從絕症中走出的王者-範德韋德,仔細看他的頭部,或許你會看到兩個觸目驚心的傷疤,這兩個傷疤可不是什麼另類一族的裝飾,這是白血病患者進行化聞和骨髓移植手術,留下的痕跡,這樣的傷疤,有人説論甚至喘氣時都會顫動,今年27歲的範德韋德頗具游泳天賦,然而20歲的那一年,他被查出患有白血病,病魔奪去了的不僅是他的運動生涯,還可能是他的生命,幸運的是在與病魔的鬥爭中範德韋德取得最終的勝利,在成功接受了骨髓幹細胞移植手術後,他重新回到了賽場上xx年他在北京寫下了運動生涯中最壯烈的一筆,金鑲玉是對他這橛一個永不言棄的英雄最好的獎賞.由此可見,態度決定一個是否成功,積極樂觀的態度將有助於我們通向成功的彼岸… 在我們漫長的人生旅途中,態度永遠決定一切,所以無論自已處於多麼嚴酷的境界之中,心頭都不應為悲觀的思想所縈繞!為了追尋自己的理想,我們要飛翔,去接受風雨的洗禮;為了實現人生的夙願,我們要飛翔,去迎接春風和朝陽. 雖然我們並不堅強的翅膀也許會受傷,但我們一定要飛向遠方。積極樂觀的態度將是我們成功的祕訣。