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1、n't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因為結束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經擁有。

2、what upset you will be talked about by you with smile one day .讓你難過的事情,有一天,你一定會笑着説出來。

3、life is short, so smile while you still have teeth. ——人生太短,所以笑吧,趁你現在還有牙齒時。

4、i can remember all the things that we shared,and the way you smile at me.我記得我們所有的事,和你對我笑的樣子。

5、you may not be the only reason why i smile, but you are definitely my favorite one. 也許你不是我微笑的唯一理由,但一定是我最喜歡的那個。

6、do what makes you happy. be with who makes you smile. laugh as much as you breath. love as long as you live. 做讓你開心的事,交能逗你樂的朋友;像呼吸一樣頻繁地開懷笑,像生命一樣長久地全心愛。

7、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知是誰會愛上你的笑容

8、from now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile. 從現在開始,愛自己,享受生活並且微笑。

9、we right mistakenly, we have loved, but forgot. walks how have time you cried, i only hurt have but smiled.我們都對了還是錯了,我們都愛了但是忘了。走的時候你哭了還是怎了,我只是疼了但還是笑了。

10、who says i can't smile again, who says i can't live better.誰説我不能再次微笑,誰説我不能活得更好。

11、sometimes, tears is sign of unspoken happiness. and smile is sign of silent pain. 眼淚,有時候是一種無法言説的幸福。微笑,有時候是一種沒有説出口的傷痛 。

12、real friends don't get offended when you call them bad names; they smile and call you something more offensive. 真正的朋友在你損他們的時候不會生氣,他們只會笑着回敬你更損的話。

13、use your smiled to changd the world. don't let the world change your smile.用你的笑容去改變這個世界,別讓這個世界改變了你的笑容。

14、a smile is the most charming part of a person forever.微笑永遠是一個人身上最好看的東西。

15、there is nothing on earth more beautiful to me than your smile,no pleasure greater than holding you in my arms. 這世界上沒有什麼比你的笑容更美,沒有什麼比把你摟在懷裏更快樂。

16、there's always a person who can make you smile instantly by just a text.總有這麼一個人,只用一條短信就可以讓你立刻露出笑容。

17、i smile like an idiot when i'm talking to you. 一跟你講話,我就會笑得跟個白痴似的。

18、finally i've become a grown in courage and face the life with smile.終於,還是長大了。勇敢生活,微笑面對。

19、wonderful life there are always wonderful reason to smile, smile will last laughs best.精彩的人生總有精彩的理由,笑到最後的才會笑得最甜。

20、a smile can open a gorgeous love, a look will be able to resist lonely.一個微笑就能開出絢爛的愛情,一個眼神就能夠抵抗寂寞。

21、i may not have the prettiest eyes,the sweetest smile, the most beautiful face or the perfectest body,but i have a truest heart to love you. 我也許沒有最可愛的眼睛,最甜美的笑容,最美麗的臉龐,或者最完美的身材,但,我有一顆最愛你的心。

22、sunlight mapped on her face, her original weicu brow gradually loosened, his eyes shining light, and1、from now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile.——從現在開始,愛自己,享受生活並且微笑。


1、n't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因為結束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經擁有。

2、what upset you will be talked about by you with smile one day .讓你難過的事情,有一天,你一定會笑着説出來。

3、life is short, so smile while you still have teeth. --人生太短,所以笑吧,趁你現在還有牙齒時。

4、i can remember all the things that we shared,and the way you smile at me.我記得我們所有的事,和你對我笑的樣子。

5、you may not be the only reason why i smile, but you are definitely my favorite one. 也許你不是我微笑的唯一理由,但一定是我最喜歡的那個。

6、do what makes you happy. be with who makes you smile. laugh as much as you breath. love as long as you live. 做讓你開心的事,交能逗你樂的朋友;像呼吸一樣頻繁地開懷笑,像生命一樣長久地全心愛。

7、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知是誰會愛上你的笑容。

8、from now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile. 從現在開始,愛自己,享受生活並且微笑。

9、we right mistakenly, we have loved, but forgot. walks how have time you cried, i only hurt have but smiled.我們都對了還是錯了,我們都愛了但是忘了。走的時候你哭了還是怎了,我只是疼了但還是笑了。

10、who says i can't smile again, who says i can't live better.誰説我不能再次微笑,誰説我不能活得更好。

11、sometimes, tears is sign of unspoken happiness. and smile is sign of silent pain. 眼淚,有時候是一種無法言説的幸福。微笑,有時候是一種沒有説出口的傷痛 。

12、real friends don't get offended when you call them bad names; they smile and call you something more offensive. 真正的朋友在你損他們的時候不會生氣,他們只會笑着回敬你更損的話。

13、use your smiled to changd the world. don't let the world change your smile.用你的笑容去改變這個世界,別讓這個世界改變了你的笑容。

14、a smile is the most charming part of a person forever.微笑永遠是一個人身上最好看的東西。

15、there is nothing on earth more beautiful to me than your smile,no pleasure greater than holding you in my arms. 這世界上沒有什麼比你的笑容更美,沒有什麼比把你摟在懷裏更快樂。

16、there's always a person who can make you smile instantly by just a text.總有這麼一個人,只用一條短信就可以讓你立刻露出笑容。

17、i smile like an idiot when i'm talking to you. 一跟你講話,我就會笑得跟個白痴似的。

18、finally i've become a grown in courage and face the life with smile.終於,還是長大了。勇敢生活,微笑面對。

19、wonderful life there are always wonderful reason to smile, smile will last laughs best.精彩的人生總有精彩的理由,笑到最後的才會笑得最甜。

20、a smile can open a gorgeous love, a look will be able to resist lonely.一個微笑就能開出絢爛的愛情,一個眼神就能夠抵抗寂寞。

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