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欄目: 英語演講稿 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.05W






全國大學生英語演講大賽視頻(不看不知道,一看嚇一跳!) 第一名 曹豐 清華大學

第二名 吳相臣 天津師範大學

第三名 徐鴻達 外交學院

第四名 王冠 中國傳媒大學

第五名 廖若琛 華南理工大學

第六名 崔笑笑 北京語言大學

第七名 王默 四川外國語學院

第八名 鍾文天 解放軍外國語學院

第九名 胡懿 復旦大學

第十名 趙婷 北京外國語大學






2、本次比賽包括預賽和決賽,預賽選手將講演準備好的講演,時間為3分鐘,題目為“a word that has changed the world.”。 (該演講題要求有一個小標題)。然後評委提一個有關問題,選手回答一分鐘。決賽由重複上午的演講題目和即興演講組成,選手在演講前10分鐘抽取即興演講題,第一篇有準備的演講結束後,對即興演講題演講2分鐘。有準備演講和即興演講各100分。(本次即興演講題目不公佈)




6、複賽報到時間為11月18下午1:00—6:00,地點:贛州市紅旗大道86號江西理工大學外語外貿學院一樓大廳,乘車線路:火車站、汽車站下車後均可乘坐k1路公共汽車至紅旗大道理工大學站下(因為理工大學在贛州有三個校區,請標明紅旗大道的理工大學)聯繫人:趙老師 辦公室電話:0797—8312173手機:13970768065;請需要住宿的學校在11月5日之前聯繫房間事宜。




第12屆 “外研社杯” 全國大學生英語演講大賽江西賽區即興演講話題

1. it is great to be great, but it is greater to be human.


2. failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the


----------elbert green hubbard

3. no man is enough rich to buy back his past.


4. behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.


5. character is what you are in the dark..


6. if you would be loved; love and be loved.


7. nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed(更多精彩文章請關注好 範文網:).


8. laughter is the shortest distance between two people.


9. it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do.


10. to go for great goals, you have to start from minor ones.


11. the shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.


12. education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.


13. the world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down.


14. all the advantages isn’t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start.


15. happiness, l have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work.


16. the farther a man knows himself to be from perfection, the nearer he is to



17. a mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning



18. the more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is.

----------george bernard shaw

19. we must be prepared to displease the dearest ones for the sake of



20. a handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.



1.a complaint against soaring housing prices

the internet clean for youths

harmony with nature

online media’s social responsibilities

intellectual property protection

hter is the shortest distance between two people.

opportunities are lacked or not?

sing up and personal charm

9.a teacher-centered class or a student-centered class?

overseas study

ing selectively or extensively

trying to renew knowledge

-line shopping

ntages and disadvantages of the cell phone

man is rich enough to buy back his past.

t guests in the restaurant or at home

ic transportation or private cars

the price of pollution

students from indulging in computer games

ty is no use without brains

road of flowers leads to glory.

ctation and reality

23. from saving comes having

you have learned from sichuan earthquake

delaying retirement

ndship and cooperation

lation policy and life quality

ity supervision and problem food supply

-carbon and green development

ct of micro blog




文法學院 張燕妹
