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back的英語音標: 篇一

英 [bæk] 美 [bæk]

back的用法 篇二




back的用法4:back常修飾動態動詞(如不及物動詞go, come, get,及物動詞bring, get, take等),在句中作狀語,也可用作表語。

back的用法5:back和be連用可引申表示“恢復”; back和beat, hit, fight等動詞連用可表示“打退”。


back的英語例句: 篇三

Three people can sit in the back of this car.


It encouraged him to talk because his back had stiffened in the night and it hurt truly now.


You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.


John plays back in the team.


I'll back you up no matter what's happening.


I found no evidence to back your interpretation.


You'll have to back the car up into the garage.



He refused to back away from his position.


Stand back! You're stepping on my toes.


The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.


I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.


If you love life, life will love you back 熱愛生活,生活也會厚愛你。(Arthur Rubinstein)

We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back 我們將去伯明翰參加會議,然後馬上回來。

The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents 救援人員因風浪太大而被迫中斷工作。

I'll report back the moment I have located him 我一找到他就馬上彙報。

He ordered them to stack up pillows behind his back 他命令他們把幾個枕頭疊放在自己的背後。

I felt a sharp pain in my lower back 我感覺到後腰一陣劇痛。

He took off at once and headed back to the motel 他立刻離開,回到汽車旅館。

“His memory must be completely back, then?” — “Just about” “這麼說,他的記憶一定是完全恢復了?”——“差不多。”

They hadn't invented sequencers back in those days, had they? 那時他們還沒有發明出測序儀,是吧?

I gave her a lift back out to her house 我讓她搭我的便車回家。

“Welcome back” was all they said I could have kissed them! 他們只是說,“歡迎回來。”我真想親他們一下!

His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind 他那露在外面的長髮隨風向後飛舞。

He will soon be back in training for next year's National 他將很快回來為明年的全國聯賽進行特訓。

The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times 這個團體與敘利亞的關係可以追溯到《聖經》時代。

Dave pulled a back muscle and could barely kick the ball 戴夫背部拉傷,幾乎沒法踢球。

Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface 有關財務醜聞的謠言接連不斷地冒出來。

You lived on the farm until you came back to America? 你回美國之前一直生活在農場嗎?

Southbound traffic tailed back for twenty miles on the M5 near Bristol 在布裡斯托爾附近的5號高速公路上,南行的車輛排成了綿延英里的長龍。

Your partner should then pass the ball back to you 然後你的搭檔應該將球回傳給你。

It tickled the hairs on the back of my neck 它撓得我後脖梗兒的絨毛直癢癢。

back的英語例句 篇四

The short wave signals bounce off the ionosphere that surrounds the Earth,back to the ground and then back to the ionosphere. So, that's present in all of these moments, but--equally present-- I want to get back to this sense of blankness.


I want to go back to our energy level diagrams and see if I can rationalize energy level diagrams.


John could not wait to pay back the rest of the money that Judge Tone said his father had borrowed. Welcome back. Ambassador Finn, It's wonderful to have you back with us. Thank you. It's nice to be here.


I walked out of the building, climbed into the back of the truck again and left the town behind. This is why he's continually placing the imaginative origin of the poem back to the very dawn of time, perhaps even back before if you can imagine such a time -- before the very dawn of time.


Mothers learn to carry preterm babies in front instead the traditional African way of carrying a baby, on the mother's back. Just the first one or more generally the address of the first one and then, man, I'll just figure it out from there where the rest of the letters are because by definition of a string, they're back toback to back.


The others were moved back. They were ordered to get ready for a march west to block Jackson's retreat. So we'll loop back to this in just a moment, but start by going back earlier in history.


And you get back to your office and look at the business card and you say 'Who was that again? I want to go back to elections and why do I want to go back at this point?


When the water heater is working correctly, water will flow from the storage tank to the collector and back again. And I want you to get used to this, that colon is important, it identifies the start, and then the set of indented things identify all the things at the same level, and when we reset back to the previous level, that's when we go back to where we were.
