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What would you like ?教學設計

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What would you like ?教學設計








What would you like ?


書 名:英語教材



r learning this lesson,The students should be able to understand the conversation , read it correctly and fluently,and also should be able to do the role-play.

2. After learning this lesson,The students should beable to use the sentences patterns“What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like some…”accordingto differentsituations in their daily lives.



The students can use the sentenceWhat would you like to eat/drink? I’d like some…”to ask and answer.


The students can use the sentenceWhat would you like to eat/drink? I’d like some…”to ask and answer.




Boys and you ready for class?

Well,today we will study in this beautiful classroom. Then how do you feel?

Hi…How are you ?(詢問2-3位同學)

I’m very happy use today we will learn something about I’m quite into eating.(摸着自己的肚子)You can tell from my big about you ?Do you like delicious food?(詢問2-3位同學)

y a song about food

Well,then let’s enjoy a song about ’s our homework you sing it ?You can shake your body while listening.(教師播放視頻,學生觀看

We heard many food in the song food do you remember?(學生回答)



So many delicious food,I feel a little hungry we have a friend ,she is hungry,!Who is she?

What would she like to eat? Listen and fill in the blanks.

h and answer

In fact ,Sarah is not is havingdinnerwithher parents.

Sarah’s father is he works hard for his family. He is not only hungry,but also thirsty. Then whatwould he like to eat? What would he like to drink?Watch the cartoon,and try to findout the answer.(第一遍觀看)

(詢問2-3位同學,教師板書答案a sandwich)

Look at this delicious sandwich,I’d like d you likeone?(2名同學,同時補充完整板書I’d like a sandwich.)

接着詢問What would he like to drink?板書some water)

Sarah’s mother prepareda big !delicious food,colorful you were would you to eat ?What would you like to drink?(詢問2-3 名同學,並板書主要句型)

ow the radio

Sarah’s mother is so you like her?Well ,let’s see the conversation again. This time,please follow the recording, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(①跟讀 ②師生分角色讀,老師father ③三位學生範讀)


Youcan read so ’s act it out! Please pay attention to your pronunciation,intonation,facial expression and body we also needthe audiences’suggestions.

a survey

I know that you all got up very early this ’s …(時間)Are you hungry now?

Don’t worry!Mr. Jin’s restaurant is open ’s a menu of my restaurant. I have some food and drinks would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?You may discuss in group leader tick the food and drinks on your menu. And thenyou can use my phone to order a can send them to our we get can enjoy a big meal,too.(1 min ) Who want to order?

Of course you can order food through these ways(指着屏幕上的三種方式)or in my ome then!

Ⅲ. Practice &Production

a new conversation

My restaurant is so ,Now I need more d you like to work with me ?If you would like to ,please hands ,so many I only have a few group choose one as a waiter or waitress. And I have a test for you have will you serve?The others in the group as guests. Now please make a new conversation are some sentences you mayuse.(小組討論,創編對話)

ents Show the new conversation

h a video

Oh,you all served so well.I want restaurant is a Chinese fact,there are many difereces between Chinese restaurant and Thewestern ’s a short video for you.

4.If you go to a western restaurant,Don’tmake a joke.


Well,that’s all for you havea great are our homework.


the conversation correctly ,fluently and emotionally.

to order a meal in a real western restaurant. Make a short video about your conversation and upload it to our wechat group.

Blackboard Design

Unit 3 What would you like?

What would you like to eat/drink?

I’d like a sandwich.

some water.

《守望的距離》讀後感 督察部工作總結 歌頌紅領巾的詩歌 欣賞的近義詞有哪些 《在家裏》教學設計精品 上半年運維總結 中元節祭祀燒紙錢和燒香要講究什麼 機房遷移方案 畢業典禮講話稿校長 一年級上冊家長會各科老師發言稿精品 分鎮長述職報告 安全生產一崗雙責制度新版 國小三年級想象作文 2023年農村公路管理養護工作總結 始終踐行羣眾路線 創業教育的心得體會多篇 2022春節民間十大傳統美食 舌尖上中國觀後感 二年級上冊語文《坐井觀天》教學設計 國中數學教學心得體會精品 去斑最有效的簡單方法 仿寫巴金的海上日出寫日落新版 父親婚禮致辭 《走月亮》教案 親情的力量國小生作文600字 寫人記事作文作文 村工作月總結和工作計劃精品多篇 吃飯作文300字 生病了安慰人的話 國小生國旗下的演講600字 大學生個人職業生涯規劃設計書 美術實習報告精品 監局 黨史思政教育心得體會 2023中隊活動總結 循環流化牀鍋爐與煤粉爐相比較的優點 國小三國演義讀後感格式 《春夜洛城聞笛》全詩及賞析精品 個人幫扶總結 商業化 第28個世界讀書日簡報 九年級期會考試總結反思精品 十二生肖馬的故事多篇 那一次我流淚了的國小作文250字 秋季學校軍訓新聞稿 論文心得體會結語 提高工作效率的10個經驗精品 名人樂觀克服困難的小故事