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英語國家概況:The U.S.Economy美國經濟

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英語國家概況:The omy美國經濟

The U.S. Economy

1)Factors that contribute to the fast growth ofthe economy:

①the geographical location of the United Statespovides very good conditions for the country to growand become strong.

②the United States has been blessed by being a landrich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil,together with a moderate climate.

③America has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labour necessary for aconstantly expanding economy.

④the quality of available labour. The United States has a skilful and willing labour force.






2)Characteristics of the U.S. economy:

characterised by a high degree of monopoly.


3)the importance of foreign trade:

the United States supplies a larger share of the imports of all other countries than does anyother country in the world. But the U.S. share of the world trade has declined in recent years.

①Currently US exports are about 15% of the world's total;

②the US imports about 13% of all world imports;

③Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30%of the total. Asia provides about 18% of American imports. Thus the economy of these countriesis often affected when the U.S. economy is in trouble.


4)problems facing the US economy:

unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit.


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